28,346 organisers, visitors and an independent expert jury decided at this year’s Swiss Location Awards: Hotel Wolfensberg is one of the best pleasure locations in Switzerland! The Hotel Wolfensberg team is extremely pleased that the location was awarded the seal of approval with 8.1 out of 10 points at the Swiss Location Award 2022. “The award shows us that our work is appreciated by organizers and visitors and motivates us to continue to do our best for every occasion so that our guests can experience an unforgettable stay with us” – says Vaitiare Jarlfeldt, Manager Hotel Wolfensberg, quote. The Swiss Location Award® has been the most important seal of quality in the event industry since 2016 and is organized by eventlokale.ch, the largest event portal in Switzerland. Eventlokale.ch supports more than 50,000 event planners every month in finding locations and planning events. An overview of all locations honored at the Swiss Location Award 2022: 