News from Wolfensberg
90 years anniversary week
It's our birthday! In 2022, the 4th generation will take over the Wolfi legacy - the Hotel & Restaurant Wolfensberg has been in the hands of the Senn families for 90 years. We cordially invite you to our anniversary week from November 1st to 5th, 2022 on the...
Persian week on the Wolfensberg
Women live freedom November 8th to 13th, 2022 Out of solidarity with Iranian women, we will serve Persian cuisine in a special week. Persian food culture and cuisine are among the oldest culinary currents in the world. For this reason we are happy to welcome our guest...
Hotel Wolfensberg is officially one of the best pleasure locations in Switzerland
28,346 organisers, visitors and an independent expert jury decided at this year's Swiss Location Awards: Hotel Wolfensberg is one of the best pleasure locations in Switzerland! The Hotel Wolfensberg team is extremely pleased that the location was awarded the seal of...
Hotel Wolfensberg has been nominated for the Swiss Location Award 2022
The Hotel Wolfensberg crew is very pleased that their location was nominated for the Swiss Location Award 2022 by organizers, visitors and, the largest event portal in Switzerland. «We are delighted that we have been nominated for the Swiss Location...
NEW: «Wolfi Zmorgen»
Attention connoisseurs! From now on you can have a leisurely breakfast with us, namely our "Wolfi Breakfast". Every Saturday & Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.Thank you for your reservation. Flyer PDF
Media reports
Volksmusik vom Wolfensberg: Nicolas Senn sendet «Potzmusig» aus Degersheim
Nach über 80 Jahren: Generationenwechsel im Hotel Wolfensberg
Die E-Mobilität rollt: SAK installiert Ladestation in Degersheim
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